

Best Outsourcing Thought Leadership (BOTL) Awards Program


Digital transformation is driving a 10x change across every industry and enterprises today need the speed and agility to personalize their services, be more customer-centric and launch new products more rapidly, leveraging technologies such as Analytics, IoT, Cloud & Mobile, Blockchain, RPA and AI to drive new efficiencies and decision-making capabilities across the enterprise. As the focus shifts from cost savings to creating more value for business, customers and employees, the nature of relationships between enterprises and their digital technology partners will move from contract terms and SLAs to one of collaboration and co-innovation.

“It’s time that the marketplace begins to recognize case studies and thought leaders who are not just cutting costs and using traditional labor-centric approaches, but are truly transforming the enterprise end-to-end, the way it works and the way it engages its customers, using not only new technologies, but innovative business models to make their organizations digital-ready,” said Daniel Goodstein, President of The Outsourcing Institute.

The Outsourcing Institute will do just that with its 2018 Best Outsourcing Thought Leadership (BOTL) Awards now in its fifth year, recognizing both the industry’s foremost thought leaders and organizations with outstanding client case studies, this year who have exhibited true “digital convergence”, leveraging technology and digital transformation to solve business problems.

A judging panel of independent enterprise executives and industry advisors buyers will evaluate nominations for the BOTL Awards using a scorecard that measures timeliness, overall quality, uniqueness, usefulness and creativity, in the following categories:

Award Categories:
• Best Practices or Thought Leadership — Innovative Digital Convergence Strategy
• Real World Use Case Study — Digital Transformation Success Story
• Real World Use Case Study — True Buyer/Provider Partnership

Nominees must showcase visionary thought leadership, best practices and real world use cases that encompass digital and emerging technology innovation, creativity and real-world results within client engagements. Companies can submit up to three nominations. There is no cost to submit nominations.

Submit your entry today!
Companies can submit up to three nominations. There is no cost to submit nominations. You may nominate your own company.
Winners will be announced at the Digital Convergence Conference on September 19th in New York City at PwC. Winners will be recognized at the event and on the Outsourcing Institute’s awards website and receive an awards logo to use for their marketing activities. All winners will be announced in a news release at the time of the awards.
Click here to learn more about the award categories and how to apply. You can read about last year’s BOTL Award winners here.

About the Outsourcing Institute

Founded in 1993, The Outsourcing Institute is the largest neutral professional association dedicated solely to business and IT services, outsourcing, digital transformation and emerging technology, comprised of more than 70,000 professionals worldwide and providing information, research, networking opportunities and customized solutions to the industry. For more information, contact us at or visit us online at