User Experience

Along with RPA, BPaaS, and Analytics & AI, the Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the key digital phenomena currently changing the face of outsourcing. NelsonHall estimates the global market for IoT services at $1.2bn, and this is expected to grow to $9.5bn by 2020, making it the fast-growing of the ‘digital transformation’ market segments (51% CAAGR). Here, we will be looking at the key IoT themes, and at the areas where IoT outsourcing opportunities are fast emerging.

Design Problem Solving in Business

It’s unfortunate and it’s true. But it’s not unavoidable. There are ways that let you stack the deck in your favor and increase your product or service’s chances of success. Design Thinking employs problem solving before the problems even appear in order to increase your success. Companies have to face the facts. It’s not enough […]

By- Pixel506

Want to Improve Business Outcomes in Outsourcing Deals?

Enhancing customer satisfaction and generating improved results from outsourcing programs requires good communication, shared responsibilities and clear objectives. But many deals often need even more. Outsourcers and their clients should consider service integration solutions as a way to improve business outcomes in their projects.

By- Outsourcing Institute

What’s on the Minds of CXO’s Investigating RPA & Intelligent...

Our new Cognirati video blog, created by IRPA founder Frank Casale, delivers a sneak peek into what CXOs are most concerned with when it comes to RPA & Intelligent Automation.  From getting clarity on industry jargon, figuring out where to started, deciding whether to make vs. buy, sorting out the pricing confusion and understanding where […]

By- Frank Casale

The Challenge of Achieving Customer-Driven Shared Services

The Impact of Disruptive Business Trends are Causing a Rethink of Shared Services. The concept and use of shared services have been around for almost 30 years. However, shared services have matured to a level of organizational standard practice for support services across multiple business units. Despite this evolution, the penetration of shared services that […]

By- WGroup