By- The Outsourcing Institute

Executive Expert Interview with BNY Mellon’s Michael Hoffman

BNY Mellon’s VP Innovation & Growth Strategy Leader, Michael Hoffman joins Outsourcing Institute President, Daniel Goodstein, to explore:

  • Cutting costs and how to gain internal support
  • How to create the business case and determine how to ensure ROI
  • Defining what bank transformation to technology-as-a-service model mean and it’s impact
  • The importance of having a Chief Digital Officer in the enterprise

Michael Hoffman will delve into digital transformation success strategies  and common pitfalls at the Outsourcing Institute’s 2nd Annual Digital Convergence Conference, on September 19th at PwC in NYC. Since many digital transformation efforts fail to meet their objectives, due to strategy, approach, governance and execution, Michael will reveal the key success factors to ensure success with RPA, AI and other digital transformation levers. To learn more about his session, check out the agenda.

Michael will also host a book signing at the event for his newly released book, “Customer Worthy: Why and How Everyone in Your Organization Must Think Like a Customer,” which is managements guide to digital transformation. The book signing will take place during our afternoon break. There are limited copies available at the event on a first come, first serve basis. So, make sure you get on line quick!