By- The Outsourcing Institute

Executive Expert Interview: Digital Convergence Preview with Yolanda Williams at Walmart

Walmart’s Senior Manager and Principal Technology Manager, Yolanda Williams joins Outsourcing Institute President, Daniel Goodstein, to explore:

  • Getting started with transformation and who should be involved
  • How to scale transformation
  • How to balance the need for speed of transformation and innovation with governance
  • The future of digital and transformation at Walmart

Yolanda Williams will delve into how to build the agile enterprise by leveraging cloud, analytics, and DevOps at the Outsourcing Institute’s 2nd Annual Digital Convergence Conference, on September 19th at PwC in NYC.

Migration to the cloud and the explosion of cloud services has transformed the landscape of information technology for companies large and small.  Broad adoption of Agile and DevOps have changed the way IT does its work. This session will explore the implications of these combined forces, which enable the enterprise to be more agile in responding to digital threats and seizing on digital opportunities. To learn more, check out the agenda.