By- The Outsourcing Institute

Expert Interview with Tim Leger, SVP Business Process Transformation at Sutherland

Tim Leger joins Outsourcing Institute President, Daniel Goodstein, to dive deep into the digital transformation.

Take a look at the interview to learn about:

  • What are today’s enterprise looking for today?
  • Where should you start on your digital journey, and what mile markers should you consider?
  • Why having a digital strategy is so important
  • What’s different about the design thinking approach?
  • When embarking on digital transformation, enterprises face the challenge of having too many legacy systems. Is this a valid concern, and is there an easy approach to overcome it?
  • What effects will AI have on finance and operations?
  • Advice & warnings to enterprises

Sutherland is sponsoring the Digital Convergence Conference, on September 27th at PwC on Madison Avenue in NYC. Join us, and hear from Andrew Zimmerman, President at

Sutherland, who will discuss the art of blending innovation and operational excellence. To learn more about topics, speakers and sessions, take a look at the agenda.