
There is only one Outsourcing Institute. As the world’s largest and only neutral professional association dedicated solely to outsourcing, emerging tech and digital enterprise transformation, our ever-growing membership-based network holds strong relationships and ties to enterprise buyers, market influencers, advisors and the media. With the largest outsourcing network in the world with more than 70,000  executives and one of the most trafficked outsourcing portals on the internet at Outsourcing.com, OI has grown to become the go-to-source for those seeking targeted sales and marketing traction and ROI in the outsourcing space since its founding by industry pioneer Frank Casale in 1993.
OI’s Service Provider Solutions Group gives you unique access to high market visibility and qualified selling opportunities. Marketing and sales are our core competencies. Our skills are honed every day as we communicate with our members. The result: We can deliver your targeted messages to OI members quickly and efficiently, influence the influencers and convert buyer interest into opportunities for your organization.
If you’re interested in Outsourcing Leads, Exposure and Thought Leadership opportunities, our online and offline venues reach outsourcing decision makers. Our products include from one-off promotional mechanisms, including webinars, video, site sponsorship, whitepapers/published content and industry events, to integrated performance-based marketing and lead generation programs. Download our Media Kit here to view the full scope of programs available for anyone selling or marketing into this space.

Standard Promotional Vehicles

 Designed to capture your key audience and produce results. We offer a full range of promotional activities flexible enough to meet your goals and your budget.

  • Webinars
  • Event Sponsorship & Speaking Opportunities
  • Outsourcing Video (OTV)
  • Special Interest Group Microsites
  • Whitepapers/Articles
Integrated Campaigns
A custom-built mix of ongoing promotional activities designed to give you the visibility you need and fill your sales pipeline. These campaigns are carefully constructed to reach your target market and can be structured as a performance-based and sales-centric initiative to guarantee ROI by getting you the prospects, leads or deals you are looking for.
Our campaigns and promotions offer you a new channel to reach decision-makers and leverage the largest outsourcing network in the world. Tell your company’s story via thought leadership. Generate qualified opportunities. Influence industry influencers.
To request an executive overview of OI’s promotional and lead generating offerings and network demographics, e-mail us at inquiries@clear-barnacle.10web.cloud.

Custom Marketplace Roundtable Briefing Event

If you are looking for an exclusive, targeted event, where you control the program and the audience, OI has a custom option available to you. Leverage the network of OI to ensure your message gets in front of the right target audience. Whether it is horizontally or vertically focused, OI will plan, promote and deliver a co-hosted marketplace briefing event for you completely turnkey.  You determine the target audience and we will make sure they are decision makers and influencers you want to speak with.

Not all influencers and decision makers have the time to attend a conference or a trade show. With hectic schedules on the rise and travel budgets dwindling, getting the attention of outsourcing executives and decision makers in your target market is harder than ever. Outsourcing Institute webinar programs allow you to accelerate dissemination of your message to the greater marketplace – generating outsourcing leads and reaching a larger audience in the shortest amount of time. OI’s engaged member base, coupled with various ongoing webinar series, means when a potential client opts in, they arrive with interest sparked and credentials qualified.
Leverage OI’s robust webinar machine to get your brand, message and solutions in front of buyers and influencers – quickly and effectively. OI provides access to the audience, expertise in content and messaging collaboration for the outsourcing marketplace and association with the world’s most trusted neutral industry brand, all while generating new opportunities from engaged members in a turnkey, cost effective way.
To request more information on this or any of OI’s other promotional and lead generating offerings and network demographics, e-mail us at inquiries@clear-barnacle.10web.cloud.
A targeted and uniquely powerful way to showcase your company, your people and your thought leadership to a audience that is 100% outsourcing. Access OI’s 70,000 member network and highly trafficked portal on Outsourcing.com, without sacrificing the benefits of visual face-to-face exposure. Leverage the power of video to put a face to your thought leadership and quickly build a relationship with potential buyers. Video is the fastest growing vehicle to accelerate interest, awareness and thought leadership around a brand. That’s why video content will be at the forefront of Outsourcing.com this year.
OTV creates an innovative and interactive online video platform to provide outsourcing decision-makers and industry influencers with a go-to resource for outsourcing trends and best practices, case studies, as well as vendor selection.
With OTV, OI has developed a critical alternative for sales and marketing executives seeking a refreshing new way to differentiate themselves and influence their audience in a powerful medium that delivers real ROI.
To request more information on this or any of OI’s other promotional and lead generating offerings and network demographics, e-mail us at inquiries@clear-barnacle.10web.cloud.
The lines between sales and marketing are blurring. Organizations are seeing their marketing budgets disappear without any meaningful results to show for their efforts. OI understands that in order to invest in a sales and marketing initiative, the Return on Investment must be clear.
That’s why OI has built integrated end-to-end offerings to take on the top-of-the-funnel marketing activities, qualification and nurturing process. The result is a holistic, systematic program that generates leads and market exposure.
OI delivers performance-based, results-oriented and fully-accountable marketing and/or lead generation.
We’re not just vendors. We put skin in the game by tying a portion of our fees to the performance of our initiative.
Anyone can be a vendor. If you want a sales and marketing partner, OI is for you.
To request more information on this or any of OI’s other promotional and lead generating offerings and network demographics, e-mail us at inquiries@clear-barnacle.10web.cloud
White papers, case studies and other industry articles and information help outsourcing decision makers shape their strategy and make key decisions. Outsourcing.com has been the industry’s go-to resource for such content and decisions since 1993. A staple in your thought leadership toolbox, custom-written papers help to establish credibility, not only amongst OI members and the broader outsourcing marketplace, but also with your existing clients and prospects. Our documents communicate a powerful company image and project your expertise – two key elements in building a brand and empowering business development.
White papers and other custom content is the ultimate content power tool for outsourcing thought leadership. Leverage the industry credibility of the OI brand, as well as our experienced team of writers, designers and subject matter experts, to produce a piece that showcases your thought leadership, your expertise and value proposition to the industry.
To request more information on this or any of OI’s other promotional and lead generating offerings and network demographics, e-mail us at inquiries@clear-barnacle.10web.cloud