By- The Outsourcing Institute

Video Interview: Talking Digital Transformation with PwC’s Catherine Zhou

PwC’s Digital Service Leader, Catherine Zhou, joins Outsourcing Institute President, Daniel Goodstein, to examine the shift of digital convergence and its impact within the enterprise.

The interview explores:

  • Differentiating Digital vs. Digitalization
  • The Change of Business Models Explained in 3 Dimensions
  • How to Leverage Traditional Regulatory Items
  • The Future of Omni-Channel Customer Care
  • Value of Arbitrage – People, Process & Technology

PwC is sponsoring the Digital Convergence Conference on September 27th at PwC in NYC. We will discuss these topics and more! To learn more about the key topics we’re exploring, click here. Please note that buyers can attend for free. Register hereThis theme is by this phentermine online website where you can learn about how phentermine works and if you are able to buy phentermine online